Something very special for men is coming to the Ark Encounter.
Years ago, after hearing my talk on the family and the challenge to men to be the spiritual heads of their homes as God instructed, my dear friend and colleague Buddy Davis composed a special song to accompany that presentation.
Buddy had such a burden to challenge men to be the leaders of their homes as God has called them to be. I love the words he wrote:
Lord, we need more godly men who’ll stand on your Word ’till the end—men who are strong and that won’t bend. Lord, we need more godly men. Lord, we need more godly men who aren’t afraid to call sin sin, ’cause the world is desperately looking for them. Lord, we need more godly men.
Lord, we need more husbands in love with their wives, and daddies to cherish their kids. Grandpas and uncles who’ll set an example and tell them who Jesus is. May the world see our eyes in the Bible and our knees bent in prayer again. From the senior preacher to the high school teacher, Lord, we need more godly men.
Yes, we need more godly men. Over the years, many men have told me they weren’t brought up in Christian homes and asked how they could learn to be the husbands and fathers God wants them to be. I have also found many Christian men are not the spiritual leaders they should be and so many children have walked away from the Christian faith as a result.
It’s heartbreaking, and we are doing something special to help meet this need.
AiG’s women’s conference has become so popular, we have to run two duplicate conferences in the same week! Many women say they are tired of shallow fluff-and-stuff conferences but love AiG’s conferences that teach the “meat of the Word,” apologetics, and biblical worldview. Many have pleaded with us to provide such a conference for men.
So March 21–22, 2025, AiG will hold its first-ever Answers for Men conference at the Answers Center. We’ve themed it “Adam, First & Last: Blueprints for Men.” This conference features a variety of speakers, including well-known men such as Kirk Cameron (actor), Emeal Zwayne (president of Living Waters), Stephen Kendrick (producer of leading Christian movies like The Forge, which really challenges men), and others—yes, myself included.
Don’t miss this unique, powerful conference specially designed to help equip and raise up godly men.
And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. (Deuteronomy 6:6–7)
Visit to register.
Buddy’s song “Godly Men” is included in his 7 C’s of History album and the Buddy Davis Music Legacy USB, which can be purchased on
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.
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