Construction Update: Jerusalem Model Testing Continues

by Ken Ham on January 25, 2025
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

The construction of the massive model of first-century Jerusalem by our design studios team continues on. Artists are actively working on this exciting project, aiming to produce a large, archaeologically up-to-date and very accurate 1:100 scale model of first-century Jerusalem. This model will be housed in the Jerusalem building currently under construction at the Ark Encounter.

  • Artists progress at Hebron
  • Artists progress at Hebron
  • Artists progress at Hebron
  • Artists progress at Hebron
  • Artists progress at Hebron
  • Artists progress at Hebron
  • Artists progress at Hebron
  • Artists progress at Hebron
  • Artists progress at Hebron
  • Artists progress at Hebron
  • Artists progress at Hebron
  • Artists progress at Hebron
  • Artists progress at Hebron

The artists have nearly completed the first test tile and are now focusing on the incredibly detailed work of hand-painting each section. Each piece undergoes two different painting processes: the first is a general painting, and the second gives the stones a weathered appearance. Additionally, they are testing and installing fiber-optic lighting in the model.

There’s no doubt it will be the most stunning such indoor model of Jerusalem ever constructed.

The model is made up of 430 large tiles. Our artists are using a bank of 150 3D printers to produce the necessary buildings and other structures. The completed model will contain 15,000 people, 5,000 buildings, and thousands of plants. It won’t be ready until sometime in 2026. This is a massive undertaking, but I believe it will be a phenomenal addition to the Ark Encounter attraction. There’s no doubt it will be the most stunning such indoor model of Jerusalem ever constructed.

Stay tuned for more updates as the work continues!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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