Are You Equipped for the Challenges of Marxism?

by Ken Ham on October 29, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Many of our politicians are proclaiming a false gospel of Marxism to the culture—it’s permeating society, classrooms, and even the church. And it can be subtle or even disguised as Christian compassion. How can we recognize it, and how should we respond?

Well, I’m excited to announce a new book by AiG’s Patricia Engler—Modern Marxism. Patricia has traveled to many of the places where Marxism has taken root, studied the persecuted church that persevered under these regimes, and gleaned insights from history (and, of course, the Word of God) to help everyday Christians recognize and appropriately respond to the modern version of Marxism. And you won’t be surprised to learn that it begins with Genesis!

Our store page summarizes what you can expect in this detailed new book. You’ll be equipped to do the following:

  • Better understand today’s cultural trends—and the spiritual agendas driving them
  • Discern how these trends connect to a false gospel rooted in Marxism
  • Uncover vital lessons from historical patterns of persecution, revolution, and resistance
  • Develop strong personal foundations to withstand the gathering storm
  • Respond strategically from the basis of God’s Word
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  • Patricia Engler Holding Modern Marxism

I encourage you to order a copy of Modern Marxism for yourself, for the young people in your life, and for your church library. Visit our online store to learn more and order your copy today.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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