Construction Update: Answers Academy Building Gets a Facelift

by Ken Ham on October 12, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

It was great to see the signs for our Christian school, Answers Academy, go up on the side of the school building recently. This is the building we renovated to host this unique discipleship, parent-partnership, biblical worldview school. The other two-thirds of the building will (when renovations are finished) become the headquarters for the AiG ministry, and our staff will move from the museum to this beautiful facility.

Enjoy these photos of the Answers Academy sign and our raptor mascot:

  • Answers Academy exterior with new signs
  • Raptor mascot sign
  • Raptor mascot sign lifted up
  • Raptor mascot sign installed on wall
  • Raptor mascot sign being installed
  • Raptor mascot sign being installed
  • Answers Academy sign
  • Answers Academy sign being installed
  • Both signs being installed
  • Both signs being installed
  • Answers Academy
  • Answers Academy and AiG HQ

So, what is Answers Academy? At Answers Academy, students are equipped with apologetics, and there’s an emphasis on academic excellence. Here’s how the school describes itself:


To support parents and churches through the education of students based on a biblical, Christian worldview in all subject areas.


With academic excellence, the Academy partners with Christian parents in their roles of educating and discipling their children. We stand on the authority of God’s Word in all areas and train students to think biblically and critically in all subjects.


We want to stir a passion in parents for the importance of Christian education as we grow leaders in this next generation that will impact both the culture and the church and leave a lasting legacy for the Lord. We want to be the standard that other Christian schools can model after for a strong academic biblical worldview education.

Core Values

Academic Excellence: We continually strive for academic excellence as Christ asks us to give our all for His glory (Colossians 3:23). We want to prepare the students well for whatever the Lord calls them to do after high school. We expect the students to have a positive outlook to learning and put forth much effort.

Apologetics: We not only want to train up the students to know God personally, but we take it a step further and equip them with apologetics (both creation and general). We live in an increasingly secular culture where Christian faith and God’s Word is attacked. We train the students to have answers to be able to defend their faith and refute the false teachings with which our society is being bombarded (2 Corinthians 10:4–5).

Biblical Worldview: The 66 books of the Bible, God’s Word, is our authority in ALL areas, which includes education. A biblical worldview education is looking at each subject through the lens of Scripture as our starting point (Hebrews 6:13).

Discipleship: Children need to be trained in wisdom and the admonition of the Lord. We cannot assume that they are already experts on discernment and evangelism—they require intense biblical and academic training to be equipped for defending their faith, refuting false religions, and to stand against the wiles of Satan (Proverbs 1 and Ephesians 6:10–18).

Fruits of the Spirit: Those who belong to Christ are led by the Spirit and will exemplify love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, and truth (Galatians 5:22–23 and Ephesians 5:9).

Parent Partnership: The responsibility of educating children is given to the parents (Deuteronomy 6:6–7). Our school partners with like-minded parents to be an instrument to assist in providing a Christ-honoring education that is biblically, academically, morally, spiritually, and relationally sound.

Check out this wonderful, unique school at

Meet One-on-One with College Representatives at the Ark Encounter

Oh, and if you’re looking for post-secondary education that has these same kinds of values, check out our Creation College Expo, November 7–9, 2024, at the Ark Encounter. Designed for students in grades 7–12, this event brings vetted colleges from across the country to one location so you can chat with representatives, see program offerings, and more—while learning from AiG experts during teaching sessions and touring the life-size Noah’s Ark at the Ark Encounter. Each college takes a stand on Genesis, a young earth, and biblical authority.

This event is free! Register today on our event page.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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