The First Lie

by Ken Ham on September 27, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

What was the first lie?

Well, it’s recorded in the Bible:

Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?” . . . But the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die . . . and you will be like God.” (Genesis 3:1, 4–5)

The first lie was from the devil to Eve (and her husband, Adam, who was with her) to get the first man and woman to doubt God’s Word so that doubt would lead to unbelief. Note the question “Did God actually say?”

The first lie was an attack on the authority of God’s word. And in our era, it manifests as an attack (which began in the late 1700s and 1800s) on Genesis 1–11 because of the popularization of evolutionary geology (millions of years) and evolutionary biology (molecules-to-man evolution).

This is why the first book I wrote is called The Lie. Its message is what I call the basic relevance message— the relevance of Genesis 1–11. After all, Genesis 1–11 is the foundation for everything, and there’s been a massive attack on this portion of Scripture in our day— both from the world and from within the church, with so many church leaders compromising God’s Word with evolution and millions of years.

The book The Lie positioned Answers in Genesis as a biblical authority ministry. And that has always been our emphasis—biblical authority and the gospel. Now, because evolution and millions of years have been a major part of the attack on biblical authority in our era, we certainly deal with issues such as the age of the earth, molecules-to-man evolution, and so on.

The attack on Genesis is really an attack from the religion of naturalism, which is atheism. Evolution and millions of years are foundational to the religion of atheism.

Twelve years ago, I updated The Lie. The essence of the message didn’t change, as God’s Word doesn’t change, but the culture had changed. This year, I did another major update to The Lie. (After all, 12 years ago, we didn’t have such prevalent LGBTQ issues as we do today. The culture has continued to change.) In addition to text revisions, I also upgraded all the illustrations and published them in color.

The message I wrote in the 1980s is still as relevant today as it was then because the Bible and God’s clear words have not changed. This book is a classic, detailing the major message of the Answers in Genesis ministry and the creation apologetics ministry in general.

The Lie has now been in print for 37 years, and it is still my favorite of all 35 books I have authored or coauthored.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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