A Christian Ministry Saddened by Pro-Lifers, Not Abortion?

by Ken Ham on August 11, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

As a believer in Jesus Christ, which “saddens” you more: considering the millions of lives lost to abortion or having a display humanizing the unborn set up outside your church? Well, if you’re confused (for good reason!) why that’s even a question, let me share a recent news story from the UK with you.

According to the report from a UK newspaper, a pro-life group called Brephos (named for the Greek word for baby or infant used in the New Testament) set up a large pro-life display in the center of Keswick, a town in England. This display featured a high-quality image of a nine-week baby in the womb, and volunteers stood by with literature, ready to answer questions and engage with those passing by (they also had body cams to record their encounters). This display upset people in the city, who apparently called city officials and the police to complain.

This response shouldn’t be shocking to us—such imagery exposes the humanity of the unborn and shows abortion for what it really is, the slaughter (murder) of a human being made in God’s image. We also faced a barrage of disgusting and even threatening social media comments when we released photos of the beautifully sculpted babies as part of our Fearfully and Wonderfully Made exhibit. People hate the truth and will do whatever they can to mock it and stop it from spreading.

People hate the truth and will do whatever they can to mock it and stop it from spreading.

But what was shocking was the response of the Keswick Convention, the UK’s oldest Christian festival which was taking place at the same time as this display. According to their website, Keswick Ministries—which has been in operation for 150 years—exists to “inspire and equip Christians to love and live for Christ in His world.” But their response to this pro-life display was hardly designed to equip Christians to either love or live for Christ! Instead, they released a statement saying:

We are aware that Brephos, an organisation not affiliated with Keswick Ministries, are taking part in a ‘public education’ event in Keswick town today.

We are saddened by this approach to targeting Keswick Convention visitors which we recognise also impacts others within the town.

We would like to emphasise that this group has no affiliation with Keswick Ministries. As soon as we were aware that this activity might be a possibility, we contacted the organisers and requested they not use their public display in Keswick.

Keswick Ministries are delighted to work closely with the police who we have made aware of the situation.

So rather than being saddened by the millions of babies (9 million in the UK according to Brephos) who have been murdered in their mothers’ wombs, this Christian ministry is “saddened” by a pro-life display, has asked the group to leave, and is “delighted” to work with police (whatever that means!). This verse comes to mind:

You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet. (Matthew 5:13)

Now even if this ministry simply didn’t agree with the method Brephos is using (as they are now claiming), they still could have used the opportunity to affirm the sanctity of human life, the biblical position on life, and the truth that abortion is murder (really child sacrifice). Instead, they chose to completely distance themselves from the display (they did this twice in their statement, once with special emphasis!) and ultimately make it clear they weren’t “that kind” of Christian. How tragic! That kind of compromise and cowardice from the church is why it is in such a mess and is quickly dying in the UK!

These kinds of sad stories remind me to stop and thank the Lord for the ministry of Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum, and the Ark Encounter and the bold and public stand we have, based on God’s Word, on various issues, including the sanctity of life, LGBTQ, only one race, climate change, etc. We pray that he will continue to give us the grace to remain faithful to his Word, no matter the cultural pressure.

Brand New Conference

And, since Keswick Ministries was hosting a conference at the time they made their statement, I thought it was a good time to highlight a conference you can attend where you will indeed be equipped to love and live for Christ—our brand-new Answers for Men conference taking place at the Ark Encounter, March 21–22, 2025.

The theme for our inaugural event is “Adam, First & Last: Blueprints for Men” and will equip men to know their identity as a man and to walk it out practically. I encourage dads to bring their teenage sons and grandfathers to bring their grandsons—we need a generation of young men who know who they were designed to be and who they are in Christ! Register today to enjoy an early bird price (conference admission also includes free tickets to the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum).

We need more Christian men to be bold spiritual leaders in their families!

Yes, this will be a conference featuring men such as Martyn Iles, Kirk Cameron, E.Z. Zwayne, Costi Hinn, Stephen Kendrick, Dr. Joel R. Beeke, and myself—men who are not afraid to stand on the truth of God’s Word in all areas!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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