Popular Answers in Genesis Resource Now $99 Off!

by Ken Ham on October 12, 2022
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Since the ministry of Answers in Genesis began (back before I had to dye my hair grey to show people I’m getting older!), we’ve had an emphasis on equipping believers with faith-building resources. That’s why we’ve produced resources as diverse as Bible curricula for all ages, VBS programs, children’s DVDs, books for teens and adults, and technical books. We want to reach everyone with the message of biblical authority, the truth of God’s Word, and the gospel.

Over the years, one of our most popular resources has continued to be our pocket guides. These concise guides on timely topics such as climate change, social issues, human evolution, and evidence for a young earth equip Christians to think more biblically and have answers for the hope that they have while also making wonderful evangelism tools after thoughtful conversations with unbelievers. And their small size makes them perfect for placing in your purse or glove box.

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We’ve heard of people using these guides for personal growth, homeschooling, in church libraries, as stocking stuffers or Christmas gifts, or for evangelism. We recently updated all 20 guides with the latest in scientific information, new covers, and full-color images inside—they really are a tremendous resource. And we’re now offering them at just $19.99 for all 20—that’s a savings of over $99, because we really want believers to be equipped!

You can find our newly updated pocket guides—with their updated price—at AnswersBookstore.com.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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