Students from Five International Countries Volunteer at AiG

by Ken Ham on September 11, 2022
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

A huge part of the Answers in Genesis ministry is the wonderful help from our volunteers—we are so thankful for the thousands of people who have given of their time and talents over the years to volunteer either for a short time or a long time. It’s been such an incredible blessing! And the volunteers continue to come and serve from across the country . . . and internationally.

Recently our staff celebrated our international volunteer students. They’ll be leaving to return to their home countries over the next couple of weeks. These students were from Japan, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, and Germany.

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  • International Student Volunteers
We’re thrilled to be able to pour into them, equipping them to believe and defend the Word of God and teach others in their home country to do the same.

Our aim at Answers in Genesis is to host 15 international students each summer. Not only do these students help us, but we’re thrilled to be able to pour into them, equipping them to believe and defend the Word of God and teach others in their home country to do the same.

If you’d like to volunteer with us, you can apply on our website. We’d love to have you and are so very thankful for those who have graciously given of their time and talents to help this ministry.

Embark: Answers Internship Program

We also launched an internship program (which is paid) this year called Embark. This exciting new program is designed to equip young people to think biblically, get valuable job training and experience, and apprentice under talented AiG staff members who love the Lord. It’s a wonderful way for them to jump-start their careers, grow in the Lord, and experience working for a Christian ministry. They’ll even participate in in-person and online classes, attend speaker sessions and workshops, and have other experiences. And we do have limited housing options available, on a first-come basis. It’s an internship like no other!

You can learn more about Embark on our website.

We love all those who come to volunteer for us—we can use you!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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