Creation Museum Celebrates Fourteen Years (and See Our New Exhibit)

by Ken Ham on May 31, 2021
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Today is Memorial Day in the United States. Not only is this a special day when we say, “Thank you,” to those who have served and are serving in the US military (we do that by offering active service members and veterans free Creation Museum and Ark Encounter admission), but it’s also a special day: on Memorial Day in 2007, we had our grand opening for our first Christian themed attraction, the Creation Museum!

Our exhibits, programs, presentations, and more all boldly and unashamedly proclaim that God’s Word can be trusted from the very first verse and that the gospel message is true.

Since 2007, millions have visited the Creation Museum and been encouraged to trust God’s Word and the saving gospel. Much has changed in fourteen years, but what hasn’t changed is the mission of the Creation Museum. Our exhibits, programs, presentations, and more all boldly and unashamedly proclaim that God’s Word can be trusted from the very first verse and that the gospel message is true. I’m thankful to the Lord that millions have heard this message, and many thousands more pour in daily.

Well, I’m excited to announce a new exhibit opened at the Creation Museum just a few weeks before our fourteenth anniversary. This display is very special to me and is an expansion of a previous exhibit. What is it? It’s our Ham Family Legacy exhibit.

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  • Creation Museum Botanical Gardens

You see, the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum are a legacy of parents who diligently taught their children to stand boldly without compromise on the authority of the Word of God, to defend the Christian faith, and proclaim the gospel unashamedly. This new and upgraded “Ham Family Legacy” exhibit at the Creation Museum is located just outside Legacy Hall. It features my father’s Bible (on loan from my brother David), with countless notes he wrote in the margins, which is a reminder of how much Dad loved to study and teach God’s Word. It also features the model ark that Dad built to remind me how important it was to take Genesis as literal history.

A good man leaves an inheritance [legacy] to his children’s children. (Proverbs 13:22)

Praise the Lord for godly parents! Come and visit our two attractions soon, and don’t miss this exhibit that daily challenges parents regarding the training of their own children.

Oh, and we are opening another new exhibit at the Creation Museum. In mid-July, Borderland opens—it’s a fascinating look at Israel a the time of Christ.

Plan your visit at It’s in Northern Kentucky, west of the Cincinnati Airport.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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