Answers for Women 2021 a Huge Success

by Ken Ham on March 28, 2021
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

“Speakers,” “biblical,” “truth,” and “teaching”—what were those words describing? Well, those were the words most used by survey respondents after attending our Answers for Women 2021 conference last week at the Ark Encounter. The other most popular words included “excellent,” “wonderful,” “great,” “amazing,” “relevant,” and “encouraging.” Clearly the women didn’t just enjoy the conference experience—they loved the speakers and the “meaty,” Scripture-filled messages they shared. In fact, 94% of attendees shared they’d recommend the conference to others, and 88% said they want to come back again!

2021 Answers for Women Speakers

Hundreds of women attended Answers for Women in our massive Answers Center at the Ark Encounter. They heard from Heidi St. John, Phil Johnson, Justin Peters, Amy Spreeman, Dr. Georgia Purdom, me, and others. I always tell people our women’s conferences aren’t “fluff and stuff”—they are rich, “meaty,” and, well, actually use the Bible (a lot!) in teaching! Sadly, many women’s conferences today just aren’t like that, as many of the women pointed out in their survey responses:

The truth was spoken and God's Word was magnified.
Truth and practical application. Not just "feel good" messages—TRUTH!
I really enjoy the deep talks and the fact that they aren't fluffy. The talks are to the point and very informative.
The teaching all throughout the conference has been Scripture and truth. So many of the women's conferences out on the market now are not deep in Scripture and are surface teaching, playing into many of the things that have been discussed this weekend such as making ourselves feel good and that we are enough. We need truth.
2021 Answers for Women Guest Responses

The attendees also enjoyed touring our Ark Encounter and Creation Museum attractions (included with their conference admission), shopping at the various ministry booths, and fellowshipping with other ladies. It’s a wonderful opportunity to grow in the Lord with your friends, daughters, granddaughters, or Bible study group. Many women return each year and it’s easy to see why: our Answers for Women conferences speak truth and use the Bible, and that’s what these Christian women are hungry for!

2022 Answers for Women Theme Announcement

In a world that is so anti-Christian and depraved, how do we stand for what is right and good?

Well, during the conference, Dr. Purdom announced our 2022 conference—and over 500 women are already pre-registered! That tells you how much the women loved this conference and its teaching. The theme for next year (March 31–April 2) is “Rooted: Standing Firm in a Twisted World.” As ever, this conference will be highly practical. In a world that is so anti-Christian and depraved, how do we stand for what is right and good? Hear from me and Dr. Georgia Purdom, along with Darrell Harrison of the popular Just Thinking podcast, Cong. Mike Johnson from Louisiana, and—now this speaker got a big cheer from the women at the conference when it was first announced—Kyle Mann, editor at the extremely popular satire site, The Babylon Bee. Also, musician Laura Story (best-known for her hit single “Blessings”) will be sharing her testimony and performing a concert (as will the Foto Sisters).

2022 Answers for Women

It’s going to be a tremendous conference next year—don’t miss it!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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