Why Politics Isn’t the Way to End Abortion (the Gospel Is)

by Ken Ham on January 22, 2021
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Today is National Sanctity of Human Life Day in America, a day set aside to affirm and celebrate the sanctity of every human life from the moment of fertilization to natural death. It’s usually accompanied by the March for Life in Washington, DC (though this year the march is virtual because of COVID), to raise awareness regarding the sanctity of human life and to draw attention to laws that need changing.

Is new legislation where our ultimate hope should lie?

Now, laws certainly need changing. I believe our nation is currently experiencing God’s judgment in part because over 60 million unborn children—image-bearers of God—have been sacrificed (murdered) on the “altar of self” through abortion since the 1973 Roe v. Wade US Supreme Court decision. The laws that allow this to continue legally are unjust and need to be overturned, relegated to the dustbin of history. But is new legislation where our ultimate hope should lie?

No! You see, changing laws to protect the sanctity of life is important—but it’s not the ultimate solution. A perfect illustration of this is summed up in this headline: “Biden to roll back Trump's pro-life policies, introduce new pro-abortion legislation.” Many Christians very rightly rejoiced at the pro-life actions under President Trump’s administration. But the new administration places no value on the lives of unborn humans and is planning on rolling back those protections to allow more mothers to murder their unborn children as easily and freely as possible. In other words, ever-changing politics is not the ultimate answer!

It’s the gospel that heals broken lives, forgives us of all our sins, and gives us a new heart to love and serve others (including unborn children) as Christ has loved us.

The ultimate answer is the gospel of Jesus Christ and the truth of God’s Word. You see, hearts and minds are changed when people come to recognize that they are sinners in need of a Savior and that Jesus paid the penalty for their sin with his death on the cross. When we receive this free gift, we receive the Holy Spirit who sanctifies us and opens up his Word to us so that we can understand its truth, which teaches the value of all human life—including the lives of unborn humans (see Psalm 139 for example). It’s the gospel that heals broken lives, forgives us of all our sins, and gives us a new heart to love and serve others (including unborn children) as Christ has loved us.

Now, this is not to say Christians shouldn’t lobby for just laws, seek to overturn unjust laws, and vote with unborn lives in mind—we can and we should. But we shouldn’t put our hope in that or replace sharing the gospel with political activism. Our hope and ultimate focus should be in the gospel of Jesus Christ and sharing that precious message with others (as so many Christians do, including those who run or volunteer at pregnancy care centers), even as we seek to overturn murderous laws.

AiG is helping to change hearts and lives with biblical truth, powerful illustrations, and, most importantly, the gospel of Jesus Christ with our sanctity of human life exhibit at the Creation Museum. This new exhibit features beautiful and lifelike models of unborn babies and a timeline of development in the womb to show that life is a continuum of development from fertilization to birth and beyond. We also share what the Bible says about the value of unborn life and how the message of the gospel is the hope we need. I believe this exhibit is the most powerful pro-life display in the world.

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This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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