Don’t Miss Our Best DVD Sale Ever

by Ken Ham on July 25, 2020
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Expand your DVD library with resources from Answers in Genesis that you can watch again and again or share with others during our “Best DVD Sale Ever.” Buy three DVDs and get three DVDs free—and these DVDs are all on sale for $5.99, so there’s never been a better time to fill up your home, church, or school DVD collection.

There’s never been a better time to fill up your home, church, or school DVD collection.

This sale is only available through the end of next month (August 31, 2020), so be sure to order your DVDs, such as The Ultimate Proof of Creation, Things that Go Bump in the Night, or The Last Adam (a great witnessing tool, shown at the Creation Museum!) today.

Answers Magazine

Buy any three Answers magazine issues, Buddy Davis music CDs, or pocket guides, and get three of your choice of magazine issues, CDs, or pocket guides for free.

We’re also having another sale, this one also running through the end of next month (August 31, 2020). Buy any three of the select Answers magazine issues, Buddy Davis music CDs, or pocket guides, and get three of your choice of magazine issues, CDs, or pocket guides for free. This “mix-and-match” sale is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy back issues of Answers you may have missed, give Buddy’s fun and gospel-centered CDs to others as gifts, or stock up on pocket guides to give to others as you discuss the Bible, science, and the gospel message.

And if you’d like to dive really deep into creation apologetics, consider registering for our online Master Class. For a limited time, enjoy all six of our creation apologetics online classes—two on foundational principles and then specific classes focusing on astronomy, biology, geology, and Bible—for just $19. That’s a nearly $300 value for just $19. Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to be thoroughly equipped to defend the authority of the Word of God and the gospel message. Go to to learn more.

You can find these resources and more at

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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