Ark Project Wins First Place in District Science Fair

by Ken Ham on December 21, 2019
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

We love hearing stories about how God is using Answers in Genesis, the Ark Encounter, and the Creation Museum in the lives of individuals, families, and children. Recently we heard from a father who shared what an impact his family’s visit to the Ark Encounter had on his young daughter. This young lady, Savannah, was so inspired by what she learned at the Ark that she decided to theme her science fair project around the Ark. She won first place and is moving on to Regionals!

Here’s what her father shared with us,

I want to share some wonderful news. My daughter and I visited the Ark Encounter during Spring Break of this year. Needless to say, it was an amazing trip that made an impact on us all. My daughter just entered her science fair [in a public school] and it was all about the Ark. She took your model of Noah's ark and made a mold of it out of aluminum foil. She tested it against other ship designs. Of course, the ark floated and held up to many tests.

So today we just found out my daughter won her division and will go on to the district science fair. We are so excited and want to thank you for the experience of the Ark Encounter. I just wanted you to know what an impact our visit at the Ark Encounter has made on my daughter's life. Now she's sharing God's word through science.

We need godly generations to stand boldly for the Lord!

Her father later shared with us the news about Savannah placing first at the district science fair and heading to the regional science fair.

Good job, Savannah! I praise the Lord for how he is using the ministry of AiG in making such an impact on children. We need godly generations to stand boldly for the Lord!

The photos below show Savannah with her grandparents at the Creation Museum, with her father at the Ark Encounter, and with her medal and project.

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  • At the Ark

Savannah’s father also told us that the adult discipleship training class in their church just finished using our Foundations curriculum kit. The kit is a wonderful introduction to thinking foundationally and using creation apologetics. Also, their young people will be beginning our youth study, Demolishing Strongholds, in the new year. He said their church has been very blessed by AiG—we’re so thankful to the Lord for how he is using this ministry to impact people around the world!

Plan your visit to the Ark Encounter at

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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