Math—Is it “Oppressive”? Seattle Thinks So

by Ken Ham on November 7, 2019
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Math—it’s oppressive! At least, that’s what a proposed new curriculum in Seattle, Washington, would teach young people if it is approved in June 2020. Reportedly, this new curriculum will infuse math with social justice and focus on “power and oppression.” Students will see how “ancient mathematical knowledge has been appropriated by Western culture” and is used as “the only legitimate expression of mathematical identity and intelligence. This definition of legitimacy is then used to disenfranchise people of color.” Math’s other crimes include “imperialism, dehumanization, and oppression of marginalized persons.”

How should we combat these attitudes in ourselves and others?

This is just one example of how our culture is combatting what they perceive as racism—though I think most people would agree, math isn’t racist! But actual racism and prejudice are still huge and very real problems here in the United States—there’s no denying that. But how should we combat these attitudes in ourselves and others? Do we need social justice, more ethnic studies infused into every course, reparations, or something else entirely? Well, we need biblical truth, because God’s Word provides the only answer to racism!

AiG has produced a new powerful curriculum to deal with the topic of race.

Discover the biblical answer to racism in a brand-new, dynamic small group curriculum, One Race One Blood DVD Curriculum, featuring teaching from my good friend Dr. Charles Ware (who co-authored the book One Race, One Blood with me), Bodie Hodge (author of The Tower of Babel), and me.

This curriculum will equip your church, family, or youth group to think biblically about a red-hot, contentious issue. With 2020 being an election year in the United States, issues regarding the so-called race and racial reconciliation will be constant headline news and the focus of many speeches and campaigns. It’s a great time to equip your church to think biblically on the issue so they can have biblical, gospel-centered conversations with others. And as ethnic studies and social justice topics increasingly creep into school curriculum, we must help our young people compare what they’re learning against the authority of the Word of God.

This curriculum includes twelve teaching sessions on DVD, along with a leader and student guide (additional student guides are available). These guides include Scripture-focused discussion questions and take-home assignments.

I urge you to use this curriculum in your church and home! It will open your eyes in a new way to the barrier-shattering power of the gospel message and how biblical history impacts how we view the world around us, including other people.

Order One Race One Blood DVD Curriculum today at

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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