I’m sure at some point you’ve heard the tired, old claim that humans and chimps are 98% similar or share 98% of their DNA. This claim is made in an attempt to prove the supposed evolutionary cousinship of humans and chimps. It’s made frequently, but that “fact” is anything but a fact—it’s simply not true.
Dr. Georgia Purdom, a molecular geneticist, recently sat down with Pure Talk for an interview regarding creation, evolution, chimp and human DNA, and more. She brought her scientific expertise to bear on this question, among others. I encourage you to watch this interview:
Pure Talk is available to watch on Facebook and is a production of Pure Flix, the leading faith and family-friendly video streaming service. Pure Flix hosts all of our Answers in Genesis video content, as well as many inspiring movies, shows, and original programming. It’s a great resource for families to find fun content as well as be equipped to think biblically.
And you can now enjoy a year of Pure Flix and a year of all AiG videos (around 500), plus our award-winning biblical worldview magazine, Answers, as well as 8 free digital downloads, and more—a $200 value—for only $99.99. It’s a super-combo that will equip and encourage you. Learn more at AnswersMagazine.com/PureFlix.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.