Deaf Day Coming to the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum

by Ken Ham on September 29, 2018
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

In just a couple weeks Deaf guests from across the country will be pouring into the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum for two days designed specifically for them. October 13, 2018, at the Ark Encounter and October 14, 2018, at the Creation Museum, Deaf guests can enjoy ASL-interpreted or captioned shows, presentations, workshops, and more on Deaf Day.

Sunday morning (October 14) our Deaf guests are invited to join us for a Deaf-led worship service in Legacy Hall before the museum opens. And at the Ark Encounter on Saturday, guests enjoy a special Deaf-led ASL presentation on the 7 C’s of History.

Deaf Day Guests

If you are Deaf or know someone who is, we encourage you to come or invite others to come to Deaf Day at both the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum. This weekend will be a fall vacation like no other, and we’re excited to reach out to the Deaf community with these two special days.

Our Christian themed attractions are accessible year-round for the Deaf, and we continue to add features to improve accessibility for guests who are blind and others who visit. Deaf Days are extra-special because hundreds of Deaf people gather and Deaf leaders participate, making it a Deaf community event and providing the opportunity to reach many people who may not come otherwise.

Learn more, and plan your visit, by visiting the event pages at Ark and Creation

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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