Have a Faith-Based Family Movie Night with Friends and Family

by Ken Ham on September 7, 2018
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Movie nights are a popular way to spend time with family and friends. But it can be hard to find a movie that doesn’t contain perverse content or subtle teaching in a secular worldview. You may spend more time trying to find a movie or show to watch than actually watching the movie! Well, if this is the case for you, I encourage you to consider a subscription to PureFlix.com.

PureFlix.com is the leading faith and family friendly video streaming service (think Hulu or Netflix but family friendly!). Their site contains thousands of titles of Christian or family friendly feature films and shows. Of course, you still have to use discretion in what you choose to watch, but it’s a great starting point for finding entertainment that’s not filled with violence, profanity, sexual innuendos and scenes, and other perversions.

And we’ve recently added our video content to PureFlix.com to help us reach even more individuals and families. As PureFlix.com continues adding new Answers in Genesis videos, subscribers will eventually be able to access all of our content—over 500 videos (and all AiG future videos)—at no additional cost to them. For about the cost of one DVD a month, subscribers have access to all of our faith-building content (plus all the other content on PureFlix.com)!

So if you have a movie night coming up with family or friends, try PureFlix.com—and consider one of the Answers in Genesis titles currently available, such as the award-winning film Buddy Davis’ Amazing Adventures: Ice Age. You can even try one month free at PureFlix.com.

Learn more, and subscribe today, at PureFlix.com.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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