God’s Word—It’s Clear

by Ken Ham on June 27, 2018
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

On the front page of our website, we recently featured an article from a few years ago that included an interview with pastor and Bible teacher Dr. John MacArthur of Grace to You and Grace Community Church in California. In this article, Dr. MacArthur speaks to the clarity of Scripture and the gospel. He says those who say the Bible is not clear are really saying, “God may have spoken, but He mumbled, and we’re not really sure what He said. Saying that Scripture is not clear is just another way to undermine biblical authority.”

I encourage you to read this article in its entirety and to make plans to hear Dr. MacArthur speak in person at our Answers for Pastors and Christian leaders conference, October 9–11, 2018, here in Northern Kentucky. This conference is not just for pastors—it’s for any Christian leader—actually it’s for anyone who wants to attend—teens, too!

This issue of the clarity of Scripture is the theme of our upcoming conference. Many Christian leaders are claiming Scripture isn’t clear, even when it comes to basic Christian teachings. They often claim you must know Hebrew or Greek, or have a seminary education, to even begin to understand the Bible. Now there are some difficult passages in the Bible, of course, but the majority of Scripture, its themes, and basic teachings are clear. God didn’t mumble!

Pastors need to be encouraged to trust Scripture and preach its clear message to others. We hope many will join us at the Creation Museum (west of the Cincinnati Airport) for this time of teaching, fellowship, and encouragement. And, in between sessions, registrants will enjoy touring the Creation Museum and the nearby Ark Encounter for free.

Get equipped to defend the Bible’s clarity with Dr. John MacArthur, me, and other AiG speakers by joining us for our annual Answers for Pastors and Christian leaders conference. Register (and enjoy an early bird discount) on the outreach page of our website.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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