A Growing Spanish Ministry, Respuestas en Génesis

by Ken Ham
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

God has been doing great things around the world through Answers in Genesis. We’re increasingly seeing how vital this ministry is in equipping the church, not just here in North America but also in nations across the globe. We’re seeing people especially hungry for answers in the Hispanic world. Respuestas en Génesis (Answers in Genesis), our already large Spanish outreach, is quickly growing to meet the needs of hundreds of thousands of Spanish-speaking Christians looking for answers from God’s Word.

Joe Owen, who leads our Hispanic department, left for Mexico to start up a brand-new AiG outreach there—and he’s booking speaking events into 2020! There’s a huge demand for teaching and Spanish-language resources so people can get answers in their own language. That’s why we’re working hard to translate as many key resources as possible into Spanish to equip even more believers and challenge unbelievers.

We’re working hard to translate as many key resources as possible into Spanish to equip even more believers and challenge unbelievers.

My daily radio program, Answers with Ken Ham, is now heard on nearly 80 Spanish radio stations as Respuestas Hoy. Thousands of people daily hear this program and get equipped with short answers to scientific and theological questions, plus the hot-button social issues of our day.

Many Hispanics live right here in the United States. That’s why each year we offer Día Latino at both the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter in Northern Kentucky. This year Día Latino takes place September 29 at the Ark Encounter and September 30 at the Creation Museum (45 minutes away). This unique event allows Spanish speakers to learn about God’s Word and the gospel in their heart language. We hope many individuals and families will come enjoy wonderful outreach to the Spanish community.

Dia Latino

Learn more about Dia Latino at ArkEncounter.com and CreationMuseum.org.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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