I recently had the opportunity to speak to the congregation at First Bossier in Louisiana. My presentations received a great response, and it was so encouraging to see adults, young people, and children getting the answers they were hungry for. We were recently blessed to have Dr. Brad Jurkovich, the pastor of First Bossier, speak to our staff here at Answers in Genesis.
Brad and his wife, Stephanie, and three of their children also toured the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter together.
Here’s what Pastor Jurkovich shared about my visit to his church and his family’s visit to our two world-class attractions:
We had the privilege of having Ken Ham and his team with us at our church, and God greatly used them. And now to have experienced both the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter has been tremendously encouraging. Here are a few reasons why:
First, the creativity of Ken and his team is unbelievable. Always faithful to biblical truth, they have put an enormous amount of vision and creativity into every detail, venue, and project for literally the world to see. And the vision continues to grow and expand!
Second, the clarity of taking biblical truth and making it simple, engaging, and highly impactful is a great gift God has given us through Ken and his team. You will experience this time and again through the resources and ministry complexes of both the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter.
And third, as a pastor, it was so encouraging and inspiring to see the courage of this ministry up close. For Ken and his team to be so bold with the gospel message and so bold with biblical truth that clearly is counter-cultural, takes an enormous amount of courage. And God is blessing this courageous ministry in amazing ways.
I cannot recommend this ministry enough. Every pastor needs to visit and connect with these ministry venues and then bring their staff and their church body as they have opportunity. God is using this ministry to share hope with our desperate world, and you will want to be a part of it all!
We encourage everyone to visit so they can be equipped to defend the Christian faith. I love to see pastors visiting, and many have told me the information they receive greatly helps as they shepherd their congregations through the challenges of our increasingly secular day.
If you’re a pastor or Christian leader, consider visiting the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter during our annual Answers for Pastors and Christian Leaders conference, October 9–11, 2018 (this conference is open to anyone who wants to attend). You’ll hear teaching from Dr. John MacArthur and me as well as AiG’s Dr. Tommy Mitchell, Dr. Terry Mortenson, and Dr. Georgia Purdom. And each registration includes free admission to both the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter.
You can learn more on the outreach page of our website.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.