In just a few weeks, I’m headed down to Nashville, Tennessee, to speak at Teach Them Diligently, a homeschool conference that takes place throughout the year in several major cities around the United States. The Nashville conference, March 8–10, 2018, will offer something for everyone in the family.
I’ve spoken at these conferences many times before and have always received a great response from the hundreds of families in attendance. If you’re a homeschool family (or considering homeschooling—or just a family that wants some great biblical teaching), you’ll want to make plans to attend one of these conferences.
My friend and AiG board member Dan Wooster, the director of Camp Infinity, conducts Robots & God workshops at various Teach Them Diligently conferences, and will be in Nashville doing several workshops. Kids grades 3–12 will love these hands-on STEM workshops where they get to build and program a robot, while learning teamwork and cooperation. They’ll also receive biblical worldview teaching, what Dan calls a “Theology of Technology,” so they can think biblically on this issue. Workshops fill up fast, so be sure to register your child today.
You can learn more and register your family for the conference and the Robots & God workshop at
Recently three educators from the Big Valley Christian School (BVCS) in Modesto, California, visited the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter to determine if their annual school trip will include our two Christian-themed attractions. This private school is a ministry of Big Valley Grace Church, where I spoke many years ago back in the 1990s.
Educators from the Big Valley Christian School in Modesto, California, visit the Ark Encounter.
Normally, the students, parents, and teachers visit Washington, DC, to tour the educational museums. But the school is now seriously considering taking a pilgrimage all the way from California to northern Kentucky, including an overnight stay inside either the Creation Museum or the Ark Encounter while visiting both attractions. We’re seeing more and more schools planning their senior trips or other field trips around our world-class Christian attractions. It’s a great opportunity to immerse young people in the biblical truths of Genesis and the creation account.
Learn more or plan your group’s visit at and
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.