Ark Encounter Featured in New Zealand Men’s Magazine

by Ken Ham on February 7, 2018
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Though it’s been a year and a half since we opened the Ark Encounter on July 7, 2016, media from around the world are still requesting interviews about this world-class attraction south of Cincinnati. We love sharing with others about this exciting attraction and encouraging them to come and encounter the truth of God’s Word and the gospel.

A brand-new Christian men’s magazine in New Zealand, Authentic, recently featured a great three-page spread about the Ark Encounter.

Authentic Magazine Cover
Authentic Magazine Article

The article was very positive, encouraging New Zealanders (affectionately called Kiwis) to come to the States and experience the Ark for themselves. It also included a quote from someone from Geraldine, New Zealand, who has been to the Ark and loved it:

We recently made a trip overseas, and one of the things we did was visit the Ark Encounter. It was amazing. The Ark is a grand museum, but it is also an interactive and educational experience. At the end, the gospel was clearly and effectively presented, leaving each individual with no doubt about who Jesus is and what it means to be saved. This visit was the highlight of our year, and it honestly exceeded our expectations. GO! You HAVE to see this, and watch the Scriptures come alive!

Over the years I’ve heard many people say that our Creation Museum and now the Ark exceeded their expectations! They certainly are the quality of Disney (or, as many say, even higher quality).

This issue also featured an interview with my good friend (who is originally from New Zealand) Ray Comfort, an evangelist with Living Waters. The next issue of Authentic will feature a Q&A with me.

You can learn more about Authentic and subscribe today at

We’re thrilled that people from around the world love the Ark Encounter (and the Creation Museum) and find it encouraging to their faith. Plan your visit at and Creation

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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