Standing on God’s Word in Zambia, Africa

by Ken Ham
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Each year, Answers in Genesis speakers travel to various countries, sharing the message of biblical authority, challenging and equipping Christians, and spreading the gospel. Well late last year one of our popular speakers, Bryan Osborne, traveled to Zambia, a country in the southern part of the African continent, to speak to over 500 pastors, students, and other Christian leaders.

Bryan spoke, along with several other presenters, at the Ekklesia Leadership Conference hosted by Central Africa Baptist College and Seminary (CABC). The theme of the conference was “The Sufficiency of Scripture.” Bryan and the other speakers encouraged those in attendance to stand firmly on God’s Word and take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, understanding that God’s Word is sufficient.

Bryan shared on his blog and at a staff meeting recently that even in Africa one of the main ways God’s Word is being attacked is with the false teaching of evolution and millions of years, and Christians in Africa need to be equipped with answers on these issues. He said they were obviously very excited to be getting answers during his presentations.

Bryan Osborne at AiG Staff Meeting

I encourage you to read Bryan’s entire blog post to learn about his trip and the battles the church in Africa is fighting.

African Safari with Buddy Davis

If you would like to receive biblical authority and creation apologetics teaching—as well as great music and fellowship—while enjoying the beauty of Africa and its wildlife, you can join AiG’s Buddy Davis and David Rives of Creation in the 21st Century TV program for an African safari.

Offered through the Christian tour group Living Passages, June 12–22, 2018, the trip takes you to South Africa for wildlife safaris, an astronomy stargazing night (you’ll see the Southern hemisphere constellations which are very different from those here in the Northern hemisphere), a swim with elephants, luxury food and accommodations, and more. And, of course, your whole family will also enjoy creation worldview teaching from Buddy and David.

You can learn more the African Safari at

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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