Respuestas en Génesis Is Expanding into Latin America

by Ken Ham on December 18, 2017
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

There is such a hunger for creation-apologetics teaching in churches around the world. It doesn’t matter where we go, people want answers to questions such as “Where did Cain get his wife?” “Does the Bible explain dinosaurs?” “What about evolution and millions of years?” “How can you believe in a loving God with all the death and suffering we see around us?” And because we’ve found that countries in Latin America are especially hungry and eager to get answers, we’re expanding and establishing a base in Mexico.

Joe Owen

Joe Owen, who heads up our Spanish-language outreaches at AiG, is opening a brand-new Latin American office in Mexico.

For the last four years, we’ve been sending speakers to over 30 conferences each year in Central America and South America. We’re also teaching in four seminaries and eight secular universities each year—and we could be doing more if more churches and seminaries could host speakers from the United States. Latin America has nearly twice the population of North America at 600 million people—there’s a tremendous opportunity to share the truth with Spanish-speaking people living in 19 countries and territories.

Sadly, two apologetics ministries that teach a compromised view of Genesis chapters 1–11 now have representatives teaching throughout Latin America. They will lead many churches and their leaders astray by encouraging the church to compromise the clear teaching of God’s Word in Genesis.

Because of all this, we’re thrilled to announce Answers in Genesis–Latin America (or Respuestas en Génesis). This new outreach will give us a headquarters in Latin America, allowing us to do local printing of Spanish resources and to help build relationships with the largest book distributors in Latin America, getting these truly biblical creation-apologetics resources into the hands of as many people as possible.

This will also allow us to do one-on-one mentoring and teaching of local leaders and pastors to equip them to teach Christian and creation apologetics in their churches. It will also allow us to raise up people from the next generation to continue this important work.

We are coordinating conferences well into 2019 already (2018 is packed full), and the need is growing faster than we can supply. It won’t be long before we will need more Spanish-speaking presenters!

The opportunities in Latin America seem almost endless!

Obviously, all of this outreach is virtually impossible to coordinate and implement effectively from an office in Northern Kentucky. So Joe Owen, who heads up our Spanish-language outreaches at AiG, is moving his family of six children to Mexico to open a brand-new Latin American office. We are so excited about this new opportunity and are praying that God will bless it and use the outreaches mightily to equip his church to stand on the authority of God’s Word from the very beginning and boldly proclaim the gospel. The opportunities in Latin America seem almost endless!

Please join with us in praying for this exciting new outreach and for Joe Owen and his family as they make this transition. Follow Respuestas en Génesis on Facebook to stay up-to-date on everything happening with this new initiative.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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