Listen to Genesis 1–11 in Australian!

by Ken Ham on November 5, 2017
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

This blog post is taking things back a few years even before the Creation Museum was open! My son-in-law recently found a CD in our archives. This CD features a recording of me reading Genesis chapters 1–11, the foundational chapters in the Bible. I had forgotten I’d even made this recording in 2006.

I read Genesis 1–11 in the King James Version, though one of our editors, Mike Matthews, slightly edited and updated a few of the words into modern English. You can listen to these doctrinally foundational chapters—in my Australian accent—below. You can also download the MP3 file to listen again or share with others. (A link to download all 11 audio files at once is at the end of the list.)

Also, Joel Leineweber, a staff member who leads our design team and loves dinosaurs, was cleaning his basement when he found a board game called The Great Dinosaur Adventure that he’s had for years. This game—which features dinosaur game pieces and trivia questions relating to Genesis and creation apologetics—was made decades ago when I was at the Institute for Creation Research (a separate organization from Answers in Genesis).

The Great Dinosaur Adventure Board Game The Great Dinosaur Adventure Board Game

It’s always interesting to take a look through the archives—you never know what you might find!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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