The Creation Museum and Ark Encounter Bring Tourists from Around the World

by Ken Ham on September 27, 2017
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Today is World Tourism Day, a day set aside to remember the importance of tourism around the globe. Well, tourism is important to us here at Answers in Genesis because of our two world-class attractions, the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter—the two leading Christian-themed attractions in the world. We’ve been welcoming the world to Northern Kentucky since the opening of these attractions.

When I speak at the Creation Museum, I always ask for a show of hands from people who live outside Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana (the tristate area around Northern Kentucky and Cincinnati). Usually around 95% of the hands in the audience go up! These two attractions bring in people from all over.

Audience at Creation Museum Presentation

Here is a photo of me with a pastor from Liberia. He was visiting both the Ark and museum.

Ken Ham with Pastor from Liberia

We enjoyed meeting this group from Mexico City.

Group Visiting Creation Museum from Mexico City

I had my photo taken recently with several pastors from India who were touring the Ark.

Ken Ham with Pastors from India

These two pastors recently visited from Cuba and even spoke to our staff during one of our morning staff meetings.

Pastors from Cuba Presenting at Staff Meeting

This is just a sampling of the countries our guests come from! As you can see, people from around the world are fascinated by the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum, and they want to get solid answers to their questions at both attractions. This is having a tremendous impact on the economy here in Northern Kentucky and even into Cincinnati. (See “AiG Receives Star of Tourism Award for Economic Impact!”). More important, this is world tourism with a spiritual and eternal impact!

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Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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