The Media Parade Continues

by Ken Ham
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

The following is a list of the many media visitors (even some international) we welcomed to Answers in Genesis last week. The national and international coverage of the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum has been extraordinary over the years.

Last week, we also experienced much coverage for the victory seen by our geologist Dr. Andrew Snelling against the Grand Canyon National Park (see “Grand Canyon Scientist/Creationist Receives Permits.”) Also, please read the commentary I wrote for the Cincinnati Enquirer that appeared in yesterday’s paper.

TV Interview

Monday, June 26

  • American Family Radio at the museum: Alex McFarland, host, national live broadcast of Exploring the World

Tuesday, June 27

  • American Family Radio at the Ark: Alex McFarland, host, national live broadcast of Exploring the World
  • Reporter with the Cincinnati Enquirer

Wednesday, June 28

  • Newspaper reporter from Denmark
  • Grant County News reporter

Thursday, June 29

  • South Korean TV station (see photo)

Friday, June 30

  • WHCB Radio from Tennessee

Saturday, July 1

  • A Belgian newspaper reporter

Sunday, July 2

  • ARTE TV, Berlin, Germany

And be on the lookout for a piece in the prestigious Washington Post, coming soon.

AiG praises God for the international and national media that are covering us.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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