Tomorrow is July Fourth—Independence Day—here in America. It’s a day for all Americans to collectively remember our heritage (and, of course be with family and friends, enjoy some fireworks, parades, BBQ, and maybe some time off work). But it is also a day to look ahead at what might happen if we allow our nation to continue the sad way it’s headed. I encourage you to spend some time tomorrow as a family talking about and praying over some important issues.
Pray for those in other countries who are persecuted for their faith. Religious freedom was very important to early Americans, and nations around the world that deny their citizens that freedom highlight its importance. For example, in dozens of countries, our own brothers and sisters in Christ suffer greatly—even giving their very lives—because of their faith in Christ. We need to remember them in prayer (Hebrews 13:3).
Pray for our government leaders. We need to keep our nation’s leaders in prayer as they make decisions and form laws. Pray that they will honor God and his Word and will protect and uphold religious liberty.
Pray for religious freedom to continue here in America. The founders of America yearned for religious freedom (among other things). They sought to establish a nation where its people would have freedom to worship (or not worship) without government interference or persecution.
You would think Americans would hold fast to the guarantee of the free exercise of religion, codified in the First Amendment to the Constitution. But religious freedom is under attack here in America. Christians are increasingly being punished for thinking biblically and living by Christian principles. And secularists are working hard to remove any mention of religion other than their own (evolution is religion) from the public sphere.
For example, the Ark Encounter—our full-size Noah’s Ark attraction in Northern Kentucky—was engaged in a religious-freedom battle with secularists, secular groups, and others. These people attempted to “sink” the Ark (and they continue to try to do this by spreading lies about the attraction) and undermine the First Amendment—the very thing that protects their freedom not to worship! Praise the Lord, the courts upheld our free exercise of religion in court, but sadly, this is becoming the exception, not the norm.
Pray that God will give his church the courage and strength to obey him and stand boldly for what is right. As believers, we will continue to serve the Lord and obey his Word regardless of the political or social climate—after all, we’ve been called to obey God rather than man (Acts 5:29).
If you’re an American, I trust you and your family will enjoy this special day and that you will take time to lift our nation before the Lord.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.