Jonah: On Stage Encore Showing Across America June 3

by Ken Ham on May 16, 2017
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

We are always excited to promote God-honoring productions from other Christian ministries and attractions. Well, recently I wrote a blog and posted on Facebook about Jonah: On Stage, a musical production from our friends at the Sight & Sound Theaters in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and Branson, Missouri. This production was shown on the big screen in over 600 theaters across America earlier this month.

Here is a photo of the star of Jonah, Rodney Coe, with Renee Looy of our staff; of the 600 theaters that showed the film, Rodney chose to attend the movie’s premiere here in our local Florence, Kentucky, theater so that he could tour the Ark Encounter, about 25 miles away, and visit friends in the area.

Renee Looy with Rodney Coe
Because it was so popular, Jonah is coming back for an encore showing on June 3, 2017!

I’m excited to announce that, because it was so popular, Jonah is coming back for an encore showing on June 3, 2017!

This spectacular show brings life (and some humor) to the Old Testament account of Jonah. I encourage you to bring your kids to enjoy this family-friendly show, featuring a talented cast, live animals, a ship, and, of course, a 40-foot whale.

You can learn more and find a theater near you at To learn more about Sight & Sound Theaters or to purchase tickets for their current live stage productions (Jonah in Lancaster and Moses in Branson), visit

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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