Join Us at the Creation Museum for Answers For Teachers

by Ken Ham on January 2, 2017
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

We are very thankful for the teachers who work hard to teach and instruct young people. They can make such a huge impact in these young lives. I often refer to Christian teachers in public schools as missionaries because many of them are on the front lines of reaching the next generation for Christ in a rather dark place. And remember God’s reminder of the incredible responsibility that teachers have:

My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment. (James 3:1)

Well, whether you’re a Christian, private, public, or homeschool teacher, we have a special one-day conference February 17, 2017, just for you.

Our Answers for Teachers conference is taking place here at the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky. I’ll be kicking off the conference with a presentation on the relevance of Genesis for developing a Christian worldview. And you’ll hear from gifted communicators such as Dr. Terry Mortenson, Dr. Tommy Mitchell, Bryan Osborne, Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson, and Leanne Sarkisian.

These Answers in Genesis speakers (and one zookeeper!) will equip you to teach what God’s Word and science say about creation vs. evolution, the origin of so-called “races,” the real origin of the species, and more. These teaching sessions will equip you with practical answers so that you, in turn, can educate young minds with solid answers.

Each registration comes with two free tickets to the Creation Museum, as well as a delicious lunch. The museum tickets can be used any time before August 31, 2017. Also, attendees and their immediate families will receive 20% off admission to the Ark Encounter, 45 minutes away.

We hope many teachers will be able to get equipped and encourage one another at this unique event.

Because this conference is AACS and ACSI certified, this is a great opportunity to receive a CEU.

To register or learn more, visit our events page. And consider bringing a few other teachers along with you—every additional registration from the same school receives $10 off. We hope many teachers will be able to get equipped and encourage one another at this unique event.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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