“Think Bigger” Launches Today!

by Ken Ham on December 28, 2016
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

I wanted to give you a sneak preview of our new Ark Encounter television commercial as we launch the Ark’s “Think Bigger” campaign. This will debut on various national TV networks beginning tonight (Wednesday, December 28) and also on various websites. Our marketing agents have produced a commercial that we believe is of the quality and impact you’d expect from a Super Bowl TV ad.

The “Think Bigger” campaign is not only designed to encourage people to come to the Ark in Northern Kentucky, but also to be a challenge to the church to “Think Bigger” and to pull out all the stops to impact the culture with the truth of God’s Word and the gospel.

As we “push the edge” with this “Think Bigger” campaign and make the biggest impact we possibly can to challenge the world with biblical truths and the gospel message, I urge you also to “Think Bigger” and do what you can to reach people with the Christian message.

Thanks for being a part of the AiG family as we do all we can, and in innovative and bigger ways, to see the greatest possible impact we can for the Lord’s work.

Watch the 30 second commercial here:

Also, I shared earlier this month that $3.5 million of critical expansions are needed to accommodate the forecast of record visitors at the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum next year. Generous supporters have blessed the ministry with an offer to match every gift to the Ark Encounter dollar-for-dollar through the end of the year, up to $1 million!

We have just a few days left on this opportunity, so I encourage you to “Think Bigger” and prayerfully consider a donation today.

Thanks for being a part of the AiG family as we push the edge to do all we can together to make the greatest possible impact we can for the Lord’s work.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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