3 Ways to “Chat” with Noah

by Ken Ham on November 17, 2016
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Have you ever wanted to chat with Noah and ask him questions about the Ark? That would certainly be quite the conversation! Well, here are three ways that you can get a glimpse of how Noah might have answered some of your questions.

  1. Order The Noah Interview DVD. To entertain visitors waiting in the queue line under the life-size Noah’s Ark at the Ark Encounter in Northern Kentucky, we produced a drama that features a pre-Flood tabloid reporter questioning Noah about his enormous construction project. This often-funny production answers some of the most common questions about Noah’s Ark in dramatic fashion.

    Though this program was very popular, many Ark guests commented that the line moved too fast for them to watch it the whole way through! So we decided to release The Noah Interview on DVD for guests to purchase at the Ark bookstore or order from our online store. The Noah Interview is an entertaining way to start conversations about Noah, the Ark, the Flood, and even the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  2. Watch The Noah Interview at the Ark Encounter. Now that we have modified the stern end of the Ark on the second deck and have created an open theater, our guests can sit and watch this dynamic, captivating program from beginning to end.

  3. Visit Noah’s study at the Ark Encounter. When you visit Noah’s study on the second deck of the Ark Encounter, you can choose from 14 different questions on the touchscreen monitor and ask Noah questions such as “How long did it take to build the Ark?” “What’s your least favorite kind of animal?” and “What was the world like before the Flood?”

Don’t miss these unique opportunities to “get to know” Noah! Make your plans to visit the Ark Encounter today and order your copy of The Noah Interview at our online store.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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