Mega Conference Combats Decline of Christianity in the UK

by Ken Ham on November 4, 2016
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

In days gone by, the United Kingdom was known for sending missionaries around the world. Now, the UK is a mission field. Sadly, Christianity has been on the decline across the UK, and reaching people with the good news of the gospel is difficult. If you are a Christian in the UK (or even in continental Europe), are you prepared to share the gospel in an increasingly secular culture?

Well, you are invited to get equipped by joining me next year for a mega conference October 26–28, 2017, in West Bromwich, West Midlands, UK. This conference will feature Simon Turpin, Dr. Danny Faulkner, Professor Stuart Burgess, Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr., Professor Andy McIntosh, Dr. Stephen Lloyd, my brother Steve Ham, Paul Garner, and John Mackay. You certainly won’t want to miss hearing from these world-class speakers on topics such as apologetics, evangelism, biblical authority, science, and design.

Within easy reach are some great tourist destinations to enjoy, like Stratford-upon-Avon, the quaint villages in the Cotswolds area, and the country of Wales, just to the west.

The UK and the rest of Europe have been in spiritual darkness for over 200 years as the church has declined and more people have turned to secularism.

This year’s mega conference is entitled “Inspiring a Genesis Reformation” because the conference is happening close to the 500-year anniversary of the sparking of the Protestant Reformation. We also chose that name because the UK and the rest of Europe have been in spiritual darkness for over 200 years as the church has declined and more people have turned to secularism. Sadly, this started when the church compromised on biblical truth to accommodate the ideas of millions of years and evolution. We need to awaken the church to the truth of God’s Word and equip them to reach this lost culture for Christ!

I encourage you to come to this conference and bring your pastor with you—we have a special discounted rate for pastors because we want many of them to come! You can learn more on our events page. Be sure to register soon to get the super early bird discount (ends January 31).

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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