No Choice but Pro-Life Event

by Ken Ham on May 12, 2016

To help Christians become better equipped to offer scientific and biblical reasons as to why life begins at fertilization, we are hosting a free event called No Choice but Pro Life at the Creation Museum on June 24 at 6:45 p.m. This special event in Legacy Hall is taking place around the time when the US Supreme Court is expected to make a monumental decision regarding abortion.

No Choice but Pro Life

Our special speaker from Florida will be Ty Benbow, author of a new pro-life novel, I’m Not Real. Ty’s talk will be “2016: The Year of Life.” Following Ty’s presentation, AiG’s Dr. Tommy Mitchell, a medical doctor, will answer the question, “When Does Life Begin?” I will be speaking on “Abortion, Sacrifice, and the Tree of Death” to lead off the event.

Find more information about this very special pro-life event on our website.

Promoting Biblical Authority and a Pro-Life Message . . . from Genesis to Revelation

We at Answers in Genesis never want to be just a creation/evolution ministry. Though this important topic is a major part of our mission—especially in our increasingly secular and evolutionized age—our main focus has always been promoting biblical authority from Genesis to Revelation and spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ (with particular emphasis on creation apologetics)

Now since so much of the attack on the Word of God today is directed at the first 11 chapters of Genesis, we find ourselves defending the historicity of the Bible’s very first book most of all—plus presenting the doctrines that are contained in those chapters. One such doctrine is the truth that humans are created in the very image of God (Genesis 1:26). That biblical truth helps inform our view on abortion. Abortion is killing a human being made in the image of God—it’s murder!

Tragically, over 55 million babies have been aborted in America since 1973, the year that the US Supreme Court issued its infamous Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion. As Christians, we need to have solid answers for why abortion is wrong and why all human life has value from its very beginning; so I encourage you to come to our free pro-life event at the Creation Museum on the evening of June 24 and be equipped with answers from God’s Word.

Answers in Genesis maintains an excellent relationship with pro-life groups in our Cincinnati area. I’m happy to report that we will be receiving a love offering at this event on June 24 to benefit two of these groups.

Also, think about coming early to tour the Creation Museum located next to Legacy Hall. Find out more about purchasing tickets at

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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