Giant Siberian “Unicorn” Discovered

by Ken Ham on April 5, 2016

The media has been buzzing with news of a “giant Siberian unicorn” fossil that was recently discovered. This massive creature, similar to a rhino in appearance, was 6.5 feet tall, 15 feet long, and would’ve weighed up to 9,000 pounds. A giant horn protruded from its forehead. Illustrations depict it covered with hair. Supposedly this new fossil evidence, dated using a flawed dating method, puts this “unicorn” with humans 29,000 years ago.

Unicorns in the Bible

Well, the fact that news outlets are calling this extinct creature a unicorn is certainly interesting! Atheists have long mocked older translations of the Bible for mentioning unicorns in several places. And they’ve also mocked the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter in regards to unicorns (even though we don’t feature unicorns at the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter hasn’t opened for them to know what exhibits it will feature!).

We’ve written articles and even a book chapter defending the biblical unicorn and pointing out that it could very well have been an Elasmotherium, a very large extinct variety of rhino—the same extinct creature that news outlets are calling a “Siberian unicorn”! It’s a real creature that lived in recent history—not a fanciful creature, like many think of today when they hear the word “unicorn” because of the fairy tales featuring unicorns.

Regardless of the exact identity of the biblical unicorn, which we likely will never know for sure, we know God’s Word is always accurate in what it says. Perhaps you can use this new finding as a way to start a gospel conversation. For example, ask your friends and family if they’ve seen the news article and then use it to segue into discussing the Bible. Perhaps discuss how real-life creatures, or even people, can be relegated to a mythical status after their lifetime even though there was nothing mythical about them. Mention that people often regard Jesus as a mythical figure, perhaps just a good teacher but certainly not the miracle worker described in Scripture. But assure them that God’s Word can be trusted when it talks about Jesus as the Savior who came to take away the sins of the world.

You can learn more about the biblical unicorn in The New Answers Book 3 chapter titled, “Unicorns in the Bible?

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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