College Students: Be Bold for Truth

by Ken Ham on March 23, 2016

In our increasingly secular culture, college students face an onslaught of anti-God, anti-Christian teaching when they venture off to school here in America. Many come back battered in their faith.


Sadly, even many students who attend Christian colleges aren’t exempt. Instead of encouraging students to trust God’s Word and to start their thinking from the foundation of the Bible, continual attempts are made to undermine the Bible’s authority in history, theology, and ethics by professors and textbooks that compromise God’s Word, particularly in Genesis. Christian schools that affirm biblical authority are, sadly, few and far between (see to see a list of schools whose presidents have signed our statement of faith).

Well, molecular geneticist and popular AiG speaker Dr. Georgia Purdom was named Alumna of the Year by Cedarville University (a Christian college that actually upholds God’s Word!) and invited to give a chapel message there. In this powerful message, she encouraged the next generation to be bold for truth and to stand against compromise. This presentation is now available on DVD.

Be Bold for Truth will encourage your young person to stand without compromise on God’s Word. Statistics show that twentysomethings are struggling with the fundamentals of the Christian faith, largely because the culture—rather than God’s Word—is informing their thinking. Dr. Purdom’s presentation encouraged these young people to start thinking with God’s Word so that they can bring reformation to the church and the culture. This DVD makes an excellent gift for your soon-to-be or current college student.

You can order Be Bold for Truth in our store as a DVD or video download.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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