AiG Ministering Down Under

by Ken Ham on March 12, 2016

God called my family and me to come to America as missionaries back in the mid ’80s. But my homeland of Australia—sadly, a very pagan nation—is still close to my ministry heart. I return as often as I can to visit my 88-year-old mother, and sometimes I’ll speak in churches while I’m there.

Core Ministry

Well, I recently received a kind email from an Australian supporter who offered me some encouragement about the impact Answers in Genesis is making “down under.” Here’s what he wrote:

Dear Ken Ham,

I live in South Australia and just want to thank you with all of my heart for all of your exemplary work and efforts throughout so many years in reaching and teaching so many people around the world about the importance, inerrancy, and authority of God's Word! You often speak of Australia as being a “pagan country”; however, the critically important work and messages of Answers in Genesis are reaching many of us in Australia; and furthermore, I am sharing as much of this important information with as many people as possible here “down under” and hope to do so for many years to come!

I hope to make the trip to America and visit the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter and meet you and, if possible, share the messages of Answers in Genesis in Australia all around the country in the future! Once again, thank you very much for your tireless efforts! Many eyes, ears, and hearts are being opened here down under too!

–C.M., South Australia

We are so thankful for the people all around the world who spread the message of biblical authority and the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is the message that this secular generation needs to hear—that there is a firm, unchanging foundation to base their thinking on, and that salvation is freely available through faith and trust in our Creator, Jesus Christ.

We can’t reach everyone personally, though. That’s why, through the many resources available in our store, AiG conferences, our award-winning website, the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter, and other outreaches, we equip you as believers to step out and share the creation/gospel message that the Lord has entrusted us. We are answering skeptical questions and giving a reasoned defense of the Christian faith and God’s Word (1 Peter 3:15). Together we can “go therefore and make disciples of all the nations” (Matthew 28:19) for the glory of God and His Son.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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