Grand Rapids TV Station Invokes Vile Ridicule Against Ark Project

by Ken Ham on November 21, 2015

WZZM TV in Grand Rapids, Michigan, joined with WGRD (radio) recently to mock the Ark project and, in a childish attempt at ridicule, a radio personality invoked a vile suggestion regarding the animals. The only reason I even comment on this disgusting attack* (caution: it contains some vulgar speech) is because it highlights a problem that exists with many secularists.

Noah’s Ark

Because they just can’t logically and intellectually oppose what Answers in Genesis teaches and is doing, they resort to vile ridicule. It’s what you expect from people who want so much to suppress the truth (Romans 1) in their attempts to hide their own deceitful sin nature, that all they can do is resort to ad hominem attacks and mocking. Actually, it is a real-life example of the scoffers discussed in 2 Peter 3—those who scoff at the Christian message and reject Creation, the Flood, and the coming judgment. And remember, these scoffers are not scoffing at any of us—ultimately they are directing their ridicule at our Creator and Lord and Savior.

I feel sorrow for the mockers seen in the segment—secularists are on their way to a lost eternity, unless they receive Christ as their savior. Can you imagine standing before our Holy God one day and giving account of such mocking of our Lord?! I urge these very lost individuals to read the Bible’s command,

. . . that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness. (Ephesians 4:22–24)

The link below is to the media report with the video of this particular segment. There’s no reason for you to watch it and subject yourselves to this childish nonsense and the vile suggestion, but I include it here for reference purposes.

It’s a reminder that the more this culture drifts from God’s Word, the more we will see such anti-Christian behavior. But such mocking is nothing compared to what was experienced by those believers who were thrown to the lions or sawn in half, as we read about in Hebrews 11. All such mocking does is to embolden me even more to speak out in this culture to proclaim the truth of God’s Word and the gospel.

Follow the progress of the evangelistic Ark, opening July 7 in northern Kentucky, at

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

*Here is the link to the media clip for reference (again, it contains some vulgar speech).

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