Peru Ministry Update: “You Could Have Heard a Pin Drop”

by Ken Ham on November 4, 2015

As part of our outreach around the world, AiG geologist Dr. Andrew Snelling is in Peru with our AiG Peru translators/representatives. We have found (as Andrew is experiencing) there is a tremendous interest even in the universities in Latin America to hear the creationist message from students and professors.

Dr. Snelling in Peru

This is very different from the USA, where most professors don't even want creationists on campus so students can actually hear information for themselves! In the USA there is an incredible lack of academic freedom as many professors want to brainwash students in the religion of naturalistic evolution.

Dr. Snelling sent this report from Peru:

Just finished a 2.5-hour program at first university. Lecture hall was standing room only. Packed with geology students and several professors. You could have heard a pin drop as the evidence demolishing radioactive dating was presented, evidence their professors don't teach them. The question time was electric—I was asked why they are not taught this, how old is the Earth, and what does the Bible say!? Talk about an open opportunity in a secular university! The Christian students were so grateful . . . Only an hour's break before we go to the next university.
Dr. Snelling in Peru Dr. Snelling in Peru Dr. Snelling in Peru

Pray for Dr. Snelling’s ministry in Peru.

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