It’s Shocking and Revealing—But the Church Needs to Know!

by Ken Ham on September 8, 2015

If you follow my blog, you may have heard about my newest book, Ready to Return: Bringing Back the Church’s Lost Generation. This book, written with Jeff Kinley, uses brand-new primary research from America’s Research Group to expose the secular thinking of young people who regularly attend our churches. The answers of the twentysomethings (also called millennials) inside our churches to questions about the authority of God’s Word, the gospel, salvation, gay “marriage,” and more reveal that these young adults do not have a worldview built on God’s Word but instead think basically just like the world. As the subtitle of the book declares, we need to reclaim these twentysomethings, get them back to God’s Word, and help them build a truly Christian worldview. This book gives practical steps you can take within your church to bring back what we are calling this “lost generation.” Sadly, so many of them have lost their foundation in God’s Word and have lost a Christian worldview—and 40% of them, sitting in our pews today, say they are not born again, which means they are lost from a salvation perspective.

Recently, using illustrated slides to share the statistics, I gave a message to the AiG staff about the research in Ready To Return and what needs to be done in the church and home to reclaim these young adults. The following video provides a summary of this brand-new book and the heart and research behind it. I believe that after you watch this video, you will catch my passion for the importance of reaching this generation with the truth and authority of God’s Word and be encouraged to do something about it. I urge you to watch and share this video:

To order your own copy of Ready to Return (and grab one for your pastor or youth leader too), visit our store.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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