“Thank You For Being a Missionary To Our Nation”

by Ken Ham on July 5, 2015

We often receive emails and letters from people who have been blessed, challenged, and encouraged by what we do at AiG. These testimonies are always a big encouragement to us! Well, we recently received the following email from two teachers who find our materials to be very helpful in their ministry:

My husband and I are both teachers. . . . He teaches at . . . [a] Christian school and I teach Braille in public school. We also are children’s pastors at a larger church, for the size of our area. We recently visited the Creation Museum and got to hear Ken Ham speak. We left there feeling like “what can we do?” My husband is teaching an apologetics class to the entire high school student body this year and he is so excited to be using curriculum from Answers in Genesis. And we are using Answers Bible Curriculum for our kids at church as well. We feel like there is so much work to be done to help change the ideas of parents. It is overwhelming. But we are so glad to have the resources available to us now, and hope to make a difference in our dot on the worldwide map. We love the message of Answers in Genesis and support what you are doing! Thank you for being a missionary to our nation–America needs help!

–L. R., Kentucky

We are grateful that God is using AiG in the lives of others to help them teach the next generation to stand on the authority of God’s Word from the very beginning. The secular world is working hard to convince our kids that the Bible can’t be trusted and that they are the result of random processes over millions of years. These kids desperately need to be equipped to counter these lies with the truth of God’s Word. They need to see how observational science confirms God’s Word, not evolutionary ideas about the past. I encourage you to check out some of our faith-affirming resources—such as Answers Bible Curriculum and The New Answers Books—for your Sunday or Christian school.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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