“Flat Ken” Paves Way for Evangelistic Opportunities!

by Ken Ham on July 28, 2014
Have you heard about our new “Flat Ken” photo contest yet? Well, the Creation Museum is running a special summer photo contest featuring me—well, a flat version of me anyway! Frankly, I wasn’t keen about the contest at first. But our museum staff told me about the popular “Flat Stanley” photo contest, and they thought it would be a fun thing for kids and adults to do using a cartoon likeness of me, and so I agreed—and the response shows that our staff had a really good idea.

We've already received some great photo contest submissions for the Flat Ken promotion. I was encouraged how the Mann family used Flat Ken to introduce the ministry of AiG to some young people:

Got to providentially introduce AiG to some youth from South Mount Bible camp on the way to the Creation Museum. Flat Ken Ham is being held by one of the girls who had not heard of AiG before. Our families (2) got to share with them about how God created everything in six literal days. It was amazing how just pulling of an exit in a Swiss reformed area of North Carolina turned into an opportunity to share with young people who never heard of AiG! We got to pray with them as well. God is good!
Mann Family

The Flat Ken photo contest is really an evangelistic tool for Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum. Since we’ve started the contest, pictures have come in from all over the world! What’s more, when I speak at conferences, children regularly come see me afterwards to show me their Flat Ken pictures.

Now, the Flat Ken contest may seem like a silly promotion to some, but it actually draws attention to the ministry and mission of AiG and the Creation Museum—and we are finding adults and kids are loving it. We truly desire to reach the lost with the gospel of Christ—using creation apologetics—and to equip the church to take God at His Word, beginning in Genesis 1:1. I believe the Flat Ken photo contest is just one more tool for accomplishing this mission.

If you want to get involved in the Flat Ken photo contest as a way of sharing your faith and attracting people to the Creation Museum and the Answers in Genesis website, visit the contest page and print your own Flat Ken. Don’t miss out on this fun and exciting opportunity share the message of God’s Word!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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