Affirmation of the Biblical Doctrine of Human Sexuality

by Ken Ham on June 14, 2014

While Kathleen Wynne has reportedly become the “the first openly gay elected premier in Canada,” the Southern Baptist leaders have affirmed the biblical doctrine of human sexuality.

A news report states, “While many claim that a person’s gender can differ from one’s sexuality, the Southern Baptists declared just the opposite in a resolution titled ‘On Transgender Identity.’”

It goes on to say, “‘God’s design was the creation of two distinct and complementary sexes, male and female, which designate the fundamental distinction that God has embedded in the very biology of the human race,’ the resolution states in part.”

God’s Word makes it very clear in Mark 10:6: “But from the beginning of the creation, ‘God made them male and female.’”

I applaud the Southern Baptist leaders for taking this strong stand in a country that is increasingly becoming hostile to God’s Word.

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