Join Us Online Thursday for the Hammer and Peg Ceremony!

by Ken Ham on April 30, 2014

Something very exciting is happening Thursday morning, May 1! The Creation Museum is hosting a very special Ark Encounter event that we’re calling the Hammer and Peg Ceremony. At this special private ceremony to celebrate the launching of the Ark project, several leaders of the Ark project (along with state and local officials) will gather at the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky.

Although this unique event is not open to the public, I’m pleased to announce that you can watch it live tomorrow at starting at 11 AM (ET)!

During the 45-minute ceremony, I’ll spend time talking with Dr. John Whitcomb, coauthor of the book The Genesis Flood, which started the modern-day creation movement over 50 years ago. Dr. Whitcomb was on hand when we launched the Creation Museum project, and I’m thrilled he is able to join us on this special day.

The unique Hammer and Peg Ceremony will end with ministry leaders and local officials hammering large wooden pegs into long beams that are 18 to 24 inches wide. These beams will be put on display as a special exhibit near the entrance to the future Ark Encounter.

I encourage you to join us on the live stream and watch the Hammer and Peg Ceremony tomorrow at 11 AM (ET) at You won’t want to miss this wonderful event to celebrate the launch of the Ark Encounter project.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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