New FAQ Page on Bill Nye Debate

by Ken Ham on January 23, 2014

Many of you have had questions about the upcoming evolution/creation debate between Bill Nye and me on Tuesday, February 4. Well, our web team at Answers in Genesis has been hard at work to create a page that provides answers to those questions. I’m thrilled to announce that the new FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page is now live at

Whether your questions are general ones about the debate or technical questions about the free live stream itself, you should find that this new FAQ page answers them. The general section covers topics such as whether you need to register for the event, how to preorder the DVD of the debate, and how you can help with the debate.

The technical questions cover issues like your Internet connection speed and embedding the YouTube live feed on your web page. I urge you to visit the new FAQ page and read through the information. You may even find answers to questions you didn’t even know you had!

Affiliate Program

Bill Nye vs. Ken Ham Debate DVD and Video Download
I also want to take a moment and highlight our affiliate program, which will help us raise the funds to help pay for the huge expense of holding the debate. As the website indicates, through our affiliate partner, all affiliate partners will receive a 50% commission on the debate videos through the end of February. After that they will receive the normal 12% commission on debate and other products. See the affiliate program page for more details.

We at Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum feel that one of the major blessings of this event will be the new relationships that are formed, which will expose many more people to our message. Right now, the best way you can help is through promoting my debate with Bill Nye.

And really, the affiliate program helps expand the message much farther than AiG can do alone. For those who appreciate the message and are willing to promote the DVD and video download, the affiliate program may be the best way you can assist Answers in Genesis to spread the message of the gospel to those who need to hear it. Would you prayerfully consider participating in our affiliate program?

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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