Steadfast Pastors

by Ken Ham on September 16, 2013

As I wrote last week, one of AiG’s major events of the year will take place next month inside our Legacy Hall at the Creation Museum. Open to any Christian leader, the “Answers for Pastors” conference will be held October 8–10.

Our theme this year is Steadfast Shepherds, Unshakable Sheep. For churches to have strong flocks, pastors and other church leaders must be steadfast. Shepherds must have their beliefs founded in God’s Word. At Answers for Pastors, we will equip pastors and other Christian leaders to be bold in proclaiming an unshakable faith.

Stuart Scott

This year one of our conference speakers is Dr. Stuart Scott, associate professor of biblical counseling at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.

With Answers for Pastors and its theme of Steadfast Shepherds, Unshakeable Sheep, pastors, deacons, elders, or other Christian leaders in your church will have a truth-affirming experience. Furthermore they will experience the Creation Museum—admission is included in the conference fee. They will leave the conference knowing that the Bible is truly sufficient for leadership ministry in the church.

Consider sponsoring your pastor or other church leader to attend our national Answers for Pastors conference next month.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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