At the Creation Museum: Mega Zip Lines and a Conference for Pastors

by Ken Ham on August 19, 2013

We have so many invigorating experiences at the Creation Museum! From zip lines to teaching conferences, we are grateful for the place the Lord has given us to bring the pages of the Bible to life.

Three Generations Try Out the Mega Zip Lines

I have a great family reunion idea for adventurous families. It came from a family that visited the Creation Museum last week and rode our large zip line course.

On Thursday, we opened our long-awaited Aerial Challenge Course and Mega Zip lines on our beautiful grounds! Well, within a day of the new additions to our “Biggest and Best Zip Course in the Midwest,” three generations of the Rupp family from Archbold, Ohio, took advantage of the “Mega Zip” adventure. The course is so large now that it took them four hours to complete!

Here are photos of their adventure:

Rupp family photo Starting the zip line course Zipping through the trees Mega Zip tower

First, they zipped across the lake on our racing lines that run along the Creation Museum. Then they went down through the ravine, crisscrossing on zip lines and sky bridges through the tree tops. They completed their adventure by zipping over to our adjacent property and climbed the tall tower to ride our premier zip line, which runs 1,700 feet. Finally, a few shorter zip lines brought them back to the museum.

Find out more about this exceptional course—with 25 lines and several sky bridges—at

Pastors by the Hundreds Coming to the Creation Museum

Our “Answers for Pastors” conference is less than two months away, October 8–10. Right here in our beautiful Legacy Hall at the Creation Museum, “Answers for Pastors” features a fantastic line-up of speakers to encourage and equip pastors (and any Christian leader) to be better leaders of their flocks. Special sessions will also be held for their wives.

The theme for this year’s conference is “Steadfast Shepherds—Unshakable Sheep.” As the leaders (shepherds) of local flocks, they need to be able to stand strong and steadfast on God’s Word. The Bible should be our rock—our foundation—so that we will be unshakable. When that is true of pastors and Christian leaders, they in turn can equip their people to be unshakable.

“Answers for Pastors” will help Christian leaders be better equipped to care for those in their congregations so they will have answers for today’s challenging questions. Think about some of the issues in our society: the sanctity of life, biblical marriage, evolution, and the inerrancy of Scripture. Their flocks need to know, understand, and be able to defend their faith with the Word of God.

I will be joined by speakers such as Dr. John Whitcomb (coauthor of the famous book The Genesis Flood), Dr. Stuart Scott, and Tim Challies, along with our Answers in Genesis speaking staff, as we challenge and encourage Christian leaders for today’s church. Ladies will also have special sessions from Dr. Georgia Purdom and Debbi Bryson.

Please email this blog post to your pastor and urge him to register today by going to Tell him also that registration includes a ticket to the Creation Museum. He will save 40 percent on each additional registration from the same church, so that he can bring his wife and staff member(s) for three days of exciting messages, engaging worship, and access to great resources to protect and feed the flock like books, DVDs, curricula, magazines, and more.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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