A Walking Witness and a Whale Story

by Ken Ham on August 7, 2013

In June of this year, Lowell Shoaf set out on an impressive task. He is walking 2,000 miles—from the bottom of the Grand Canyon to our Answers in Genesis headquarters in northern Kentucky. This would be an impressive feat for anyone, but it is even more so when you learn two additional things: Lowell is 66-years old, and he has had a knee replacement!

His reason for walking is to see people come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and to have them believe in the absolute authority of the entire Bible as God’s Word. This is the message we teach at AiG and the Creation Museum.

Lowell is truly “redeeming the time” as he spends so many days on foot and walking on his new knee. While he walks, Lowell prays for the nation as whole, for the towns he passes, and also for the many individuals he has the privilege of meeting along the way. Others may join Lowell in prayer and even tag along with him on parts of his long journey.

At the same time, Lowell is raising money for two ministries that he believes are honoring the Lord by proclaiming the truth of His Word: the Ark Encounter project of AiG (a full-size evangelistic Noah’s Ark to be built in northern Kentucky) and the annual Christian Leaders’ Grand Canyon Trip that AiG coordinates.

You can learn more about Lowell’s unique outreach, follow his progress, and donate to the ministries he is promoting during the walk by visiting his personal website.

Please join with me in praying for Lowell’s cross-country walk, including his safety. And stay tuned for another update in a few months when, Lord willing, we will have the privilege of welcoming Lowell and his wife Pat to the Creation Museum and celebrating with them on the completion of this wonderful outreach!

Whale Story

The well-visited website WorldNetDaily (WND) has posted an article about a fossil whale that the Washington Post newspaper has reported on. The Post stated that the fossil was dated at 15 million years old. But how was the date determined? Well, the news service of WorldNetDaily wanted our perspective.

Dr. Georgia Purdom of our staff was interviewed extensively for the WND article and many of her quotes ended up in the piece. I did find it sad, however, that the intelligent design (ID) spokesperson who was quoted dismissed the importance of the question of the age of the earth. But it’s really not surprising, as the ID movement is not a Christian movement. And while many ID proponents are Christians, they are not interested in biblical authority—they are just against naturalism.

AiG, though, stands on biblical authority and proclaims the gospel. We are unashamedly evangelistic. The old earth is such a key issue today in fighting for the full accuracy and authority of the Bible. AiG does not only present the arguments against evolution. You see, it is just as important to offer arguments against an old age for the earth and universe. When it comes to biblical authority, the question of the age of the earth is just as vital as the question of whether evolution is true or not. The chronologies in the Bible and the length of the days of the Creation Week (they were 24 hours each) show that the earth is young. Why try to reinterpret the very clear teaching of Scripture to accommodate the fallible ideas of man that say the earth is old? Such reinterpretations undermine the authority of the Word of God.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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