AiG’s new Answers Bible Curriculum continues to get rave reviews. More and more churches are using the ABC curriculum for their Sunday school classes. It is a totally integrated curriculum from pre-school to adult. The curriculum emphasizes apologetics and biblical authority. It is Christ-centered and chronological.
Here is an email received this week.
I wanted to say “Thank You” for the ABC Sunday school curriculum and your resources as a whole. My husband pastors a church in …, PA. Since returning from a vacation to the Creation Museum we took with our children this summer (of which I could write an entire e-mail about how much we enjoyed the visit with our kids ages 4–11!), we have been exposing our congregation to your resources. We took 2 groups through the Foundations 12 week study (they were sad to see the study end), and since September have been using the Answers Sunday school material. WE LOVE IT!!! It has really opened up people’s eyes to the amount of “Greekness” they have absorbed over their lifetimes. The children in our church are getting a solid foundation, especially those who are going to a public school. The family devotion is excellent reinforcement at home, and it is great that we are all on the same topic every week even though the grades vary. We tell any one who will listen about your organization and resources. Blessings as you continue to make an eternal difference in the lives of others.
Find out more about the Foundations curriculum mentioned in the email. And find out more about Answers Bible Curriculum.
Hundreds of kids from Kindergarten through twelfth grade attended the two school assemblies as part of the recent AiG conference in Highland, California, this past Monday. Here are some photographs of the kids who attended one or more meetings at the conference.
It is thrilling to see so many children and young people being trained to defend the Christian faith and being taught the truth of God’s Word and the gospel.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.