Congratulations to the AiG Video Team

by Ken Ham on February 29, 2012

This past weekend AiG was honored to have five of our recent video productions recognized as semi-finalists at the San Antonio International Christian Film Festival. The festival has become the most popular independent Christian film festival and (as far as we are aware) the most heavily attended, with nearly 2,500 people present for the awards ceremony itself.

Our Vice President Dale Mason, whose responsibilities include leading the video department, sent this report to me.

The creativity of Ben Wilt and the entire video team really was on display here in San Antonio. All five videos were shown repeatedly in the two-day run up to the awards ceremony. Four of the five video projects made it to the finalist level and two of those were 1st runner-up in their categories.

Buddy Davis’ new I Dig Dinosaurs was runner-up in the Best Creation Film category, and our Gold Rush VBS promo was runner-up in the Best Promotional Media category. With well over 200 entries this year, just making semi-finalist on five videos was a true honor. For these two to go all the way to runner-up standing and to be shown in the huge theater and receive the encouragement of all present was quite humbling. I wish our entire video team could have been there.

The five productions that made semi-finalist were as follows: I join Dale in congratulating Ben Wilt and the entire video team, as well as Buddy Davis for his great video about dinosaurs. The quality of people that God has brought here, and the quality of the videos they are producing in all areas of the ministry is amazing. To our Creator and Savior be the glory!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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